Frequently asked questions Online Store

How to add a discount depending on the product quantity or the total price of the purchase?

How to add a discount depending on the product quantity or the total price of the purchase?

To set up discounts, go to the Product Catalog → click on the three dots in the top menu → select “Discounts”.

There are two different types of dynamic discounts: linear and differential — depending on the product amount or on the total price. Discounts can be specified as a percentage of the price or as a precise amount in the currency used in your online store.

For linear discounts you need to specify a minimum and maximum value of discount depending on a specific parameter (price or product amount). For instance, if you set a minimum and maximum discount for 5 and 10 products, the discount will increase linearly in this range.

Differential discounts are discounts in which you can specify several rules. For example, the discount value for 5, 10, 20 and 100 ordered products. Also you can set one rule for a discount. The discount specified in the rule will be active until another condition is met. Multiple rules can be added in the ascending order of the parameters: product quantity, the total price of the purchase, and the discount value.

You can create several discounts in the product catalog, specify their duration, number of uses, product categories where they are applied and a title for the convenience.

Our detailed guide on how to set up dynamic discounting:

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