Frequently asked questions SEO

How can I correct the results of the page loading speed in the page loading speed verification services, such as PageSpeed?

How can I correct the results of the page loading speed in the page loading speed verification services, such as PageSpeed?

Any additional data in the site code, whether it's Tilda blocks, meta data, analytics scripts, media files or third-party code, will somehow affect the loading of the site.

We've summarised everything that can be done to optimise site loading for you in this detailed article:

If you are relying on PageSpeed Insights or similar services, you should be aware that these services simulate the loading of the page and do not reflect the actual download speed on a real device.

If there is third-party code on the page you are testing, try temporarily disabling it → republishing all project pages → clearing the browser cache → checking the download speed again (without third-party code). In the same way, you can check the download without analytics services if you use them.

The Tilde code itself cannot be modified or disabled. This is the functionality of the platform that is necessary for the correct operation of your site.

You can also read about image optimisation for the site:

And also about optimising image loading:

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