Frequently asked questions Online Store

How to change the product order?

How to change the product order?

If products are created in the Content tab of the block, you can change the product order by using Up/Down buttons for each card.

If products are created in the Catalog, you can change the order by dragging them in the Catalog interface — if doing so, the product order will be applied to the block with these products on the page as well.

Note that the product order should be changed in the Catalog category that is connected in the Content tab of the blocks with products on the page.

For example, if you selected in the Content tab of the block with products to show a specific category and not all products, then you need to change the product order by selecting this specific category in the Catalog.

Also take into account that manual product order will be shown only if sorting "by default" in the Settings tab of the block and in the Catalog will be selected.

However, in the "Filters and store categories" tab of the Settings tab of the block with products, you can assign another sorting, such as Title:A-Z.

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